Because of the findings over the last decade or more, alternative treatments ADHD experts are now recommending are not the hard core prescription medications of the past. The alternative solutions for kids with ADHD are at least, if not more effective than those medications like Ritalin and Adderall. Parents are also thrilled to know that the cost of these alternative treatments ADHD experts are talking about are more cost effective than ever before – substantially less than their traditional prescription counterparts.
Alternative solutions for kids with ADHD can include various methods on their own, or more often, a blend or combination of two or more of these natural treatments is used together. By far, the three most popular alternative treatments ADHD experts are saying are the best are homeopathic remedies, dietary control and behaviour therapy. Homeopathic remedies is the top recommended natural therapy choice because they are extremely effective at suppressing ADHD symptoms yet have none of the harmful side effects of prescription medications often used for ADHD.
With any of the proven alternative treatments ADHD experts are talking about, you can supplement with vitamins along side them. Iron and fish oil are two of the supplements that children will definitely benefit from. If you aren’t able get enough into them through dietary changes like red meat and natural fish, you can always use a pill form.
The best homeopathic remedies will include high quality plant and herb extracts. Good remedies should includes things like Hysoscamus, Verta alb, Lemon balm and German chamomile. These different ingredients are meant to help with calming and helping the child to focus and concentrate better. Make sure any homeopathic remedies you purchase have all-natural ingredients and have been approved by a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
If you you’d like to go the route of one of the proven alternative treatments ADHD authorities recommend, be sure to continue your research to ensure your child gets the best help possible. There are many authorities on dietary control and behaviour therapy. You can do further studying on your own with the dietary control but if you wish to try behaviour therapy, seek help from a qualified therapist who specializes in ADHD. You will be in much better hands.
Alternative solutions for kids with ADHD are a hot topic right now. There are plenty of options available for parents these days. Should you choose to start with one of the alternative treatment ADHD authorities are suggesting, be sure to keep a log or a journal to see if and what your treatment option is doing to help. Record time and dates when your child is displaying ADHD symptoms before you start treatment. Keep this log up once your child starts treatment as well.
Keep in mind, any treatment option you choose is long term. There are no magic treatments that provide overnight help. With time, though, you should be pleasantly surprised to find you won’t be marking your journal on such a frequent basis. Not only will you be helping your child on the path to a balanced life, but you will do so without risking their health.